Whether you are a history buff and have been thinking of coming to Normandy for years or only since you have recently seen some war movies, your dream of visiting Normandy is about to come true! On the morning of June 6th,1944, the Normandy coastline was scattered with Allied landing ships, which were prepared for the naval bombardment of the German guns. Hundreds of more ships were in the English Channel throughout the day, bringing over 132,000 troops from England to Normandy on D-Day alone. A further 23,000 airborne troops landed nearby the night before to capture and secure key positions including the German gun batteries that could fire on the landing beaches. Along the coast the beaches were code-named with names that are still known today: Utah, Omaha,Gold Juno and Sword. Stretching from the Carentan estuary to Ouistreham, the beaches were the site of the largest invasion in world history. Today, there are many memorials along the Normandy coastline. German bunkers, gunbatteries and other evidence of the intense fighting that took place here, still litter the landscape. Today you can enjoy these beautiful and peaceful beaches, but one can never forget the incredible events that took place here. What an experience!