Grassehas been a perfume town ever since the 17th century, and today is the world'sperfume capital. Every year some two million tourists come from all overthe world to visit the perfume museum, factories and shops. There are threehistoric perfume manufacturers: Fragonard, Galimard and Molinard. Thevisit will lead you through a laboratory and the conditioning room where theorigins of perfume can be traced. During your Perfume Making Workshop you willlearn all about the mysteries of how a perfume is made, from the raw materialsto the perfume itself, by means of distillation and enfleurage. You will startcreating your personal perfume with a complete explanation of the extractionmethods of aromatic raw materials, flowers, plants, and wood. Enjoy!Inthe afternoon, you will head to SaintJeannet. Here, you will visit le ‘Domaine des Hautes Collines’ and you willhave the chance to experience its wine making during a special wine tasting.