This tour takes in the towns of Avignon, Uzèsand the grand Pont du Gard Aqueduct. In Avignon, we’ll visit one of the city’smain highlights – Le Palais des Papes or the Palace of the Popes – the world’slargest Gothic building. This is where the Popes fled to in the 14th century,after they left Rome. Not far from the Palace of Popes, lies the famous Pontd’Avignon, the 12th century Avignon Bridge. In Uzès, a small town in the Garddepartment, we’ll explore its medieval streets and visit the grand Place auxHerbes, with its fountain, arcades and terrace cafés. If here on a Saturday, wemay even get the chance to visit the town’s famous market. The tour will alsoinclude a visit to the celebrated Pont du Gard Aqueduct, one of the mostvisited ancient monuments in France and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.One of humankind's greatest masterpieces, it’s a true technical feat.