Capitalof cinema, city of stars and luxury… Cannes is known throughout the worldthanks to its International Film Festival. As the third largest town in theregion in demographic terms, after Nice and Antibes, this town offers a widevariety of tourist and cultural activities. Cannes is also a renowned seasideresort where the sun (practically) always shines. Its history gives way toelaborate architecture and many mysteries too, such as the man in the iron mask.Inthe early afternoon, you will take a ferry to visit Les Iles de Lérins which is a small archipelago, made up of the SaintHonorat and Sainte Marguerite islands that face Cannes Bay. Here you will havethe chance to visit the Saint Honorat Monastery, with twenty monks who are partof the Monastery of the Immaculate Conception Cistercian Congregation, andits vineyard. The monks have been taking care of the vineyard since the MiddleAges. Every step (trimming, disbudding, harvesting) is done by hand. Thevineyard is now made up of 8 acres where the monks grow exceptional wines, wellknown all around the word. In addition to this incredible vineyard, you willsee archeological excavations which date back to the 5th century, 10th centurychapels and some 11th century vestiges as you walk down alleysboarded by olive trees, Aleppo pines and some natural creeks.